• The mandate of the Ministry of Interior under Agenda 2024 and the Presidency of Kofi Koranteng will expand to include stewardship of public lands as well as regulatory oversight for all industries that impact the Natural Resources of Ghana.
  • It is envisioned that Parliament will expand the Ministry of Interior to establish a separate oversight and regulatory agency focused on clean water programs which will include efforts to clean up polluted waters as well as protect them from further and new pollution by industries.
  • Agenda 2024 also proposes that the Ministry of Interior include a dedicated agency focused on cleaning and protecting all lands, public and private from industrial polluters.
  • Agenda 2024 will propose that a special unit of the Ministry of Justice be assigned to the Ministry of Interior to aggressively prosecute, fine and seek remediation for current and past damage to the Natural Resources of Ghana as identified and investigated by the Ministry of Interior.
  • The Ministry of Interior will be given the task of establishing specific commissions to regulate and aggressively enforce rules, regulations and laws to protect and preserve coastlines, forests, rivers, streams, mountains, erosion and farmlands.
  • The Ministry of Interior will identify parcels of lands in each of the 16 regions to develop as regional parks. Plans for regional parks should include conservation areas for local flora and fauna to be protected and preserved for future generations of Ghana.
  • The Ministry of Interior in conjunction with local officials should identify available land parcels that can be reclaimed from industrial pollution and developed as local parks. These local park projects should include sports facilities, trails for leisurely enjoyment, as well as central areas for community events.
  • Agenda 2024 envisions a Ministry of Interior that aggressively protects, preserves and maintains National Parks, Monuments and Government facilities.
  • It is also proposed that the Ministry of Interior establish a 20, 30- and 50-year plan to add to the National Park land inventory on a continuous basis. The goal of long-range planning will include a cohesive plan for land and water management that is in the best interests of future generations of Ghanaians.
  • Agenda 2024 would also like Parliament to discuss, plan and approve a timetable for the elimination of fossil fuel drilling and mining on public lands.
  • Along with a planned moratorium on drilling and mining on public lands and in the coastal ocean waters, The Ministry of Interior will be expected to engage scientists, conservationists and other experts in land and water reclamation to repair damaged waterways and land caused by previous and ongoing drilling and mining.
  • The Ministry of Interior will work in a coordinated effort and joint commission with the Ministry of Energy to identify reclaimed lands that are best suited for renewable energy farms, such as solar and wind.
  • All renewable energy initiatives by the Ministry of Energy should include natural resources impact studies that are presented to Ministry of Interior for final approval.

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