"Leadership is an absolute phenomenon to serve not a temporary opportunity to exploit"

-Kofi Koranteng-

Kofi Koranteng is a high energy person who chases excellence in every endeavor. He believes in the power of people. In everything he undertakes he seeks to teach, motivate and encourage people to achieve success.

Kofi Koranteng is running as an Independent candidate for President in 2024 because he fears for the future of our Nation. He believes that it is time to take back our country from the entrenched corrupt politicians.

He is not a career politician. He is an entrepreneur who understands how sound business decisions and capital infusions lead to successful ventures. Dismayed by the powers that have taken over the government of Ghana for personal gain, Kofi has spoken out and fought them to do the right thing for the people of Ghana.

The wait is over, the future is now. Understanding that the country cannot change under the current two-party structure, Kofi Koranteng is casting aside his personal endeavors to run for President of Ghana as an independent representative of the people in Election 2024 guided by the Platform of Agenda 2024. A plan dedicated to a new direction for Ghana. It is dedicated to investing in the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the people of Ghana.

Kofi Koranteng is a Husband, Father, Advocate, Entrepreneur, Visionary and now independent candidate for President in Election 2024 with a plan for the future of our Country that includes all Ghanaians equally.


Children are the great blessing that springs from the commitment of love between husband and wife. Together with his wife, Kofi enjoys the blessings of their two children who remind them that their obligation to grow and prosper are the humble duty of loving parents. As a Father supported by the love of his wife, a husband learns to be a teacher, an inspiration, a counselor, a guide, and also a laborer ready to dig in the garden, make home repairs, even cook pancakes to allow the children to grow and prosper.


Finding a soulmate in the love of a wife is one of life’s greatest blessings. Kofi has enjoyed the love and bond of a wife that provides hope in times of doubt, strength in times of adversity, perspective during moments of surrender and support in dreams of the future. The fountain of love that springs from the soul of his wife washes over the trials and tribulations of parenthood, offering a comforting refuge for the Family.


Determined to make a difference and work towards fulfilling a dream of a thriving Ghana that fulfills the tenants of the founding of Ghana, Kofi has stood on the battle lines to fight the negligent oppressive ruling parties, the NDC and NPP of Ghana. As the CEO of Progressive Alliance Movement, Mr. Koranteng and his team fought the Electoral Commission to implement voting rights for Ghanaians Living Abroad (GLAs). They challenged their failure to implement the Representation of the Peoples Amendment Act (ROPAA) by charging them in the Accra High Court with failure to act with due diligence on behalf of Ghana’s citizens.

He is a dedicated fighter for human rights, fighting complex housing issues that affected Ghanaians living in the US. His commitment to the current Presidential campaign is a culmination of his steadfast beliefs that Ghana is a Nation destined for greatness held hostage by corruption, bribery, and the quest for limitless power at the expense of the people by the current ruling class and their special interest parties the NDC and NPP.


Determined and inspired by the principals of self-directed destiny, Kofi set out on the path of entrepreneurship. He successfully built a network of like-minded groups who understood the power of shared resources and working towards a common goal. He has been a part of as well as a director of investment projects that include transportation, media and real estate which provided viable job and growth opportunities.



Kofi Koranteng was born on September 9, 1966 at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra. His proud parents Elizabeth Nyanteh and Reynolds Otchere-Koranteng were dedicated civil servants. His Mother was an Administrative Assistant at Osu Castle. His Father was a Police Officer. Kofi was welcomed into the family by three older sisters, Otcherewa, Abayare and Ohenewa.

Kofi was raised in a family that was proud of Ghana by parents who had great hopes for the future prosperity of the country and their children. His parents were both raised in the Eastern Region in the town of Akropong Akuapim, where hard work and tradition was prized by its people. Most of the towns people of Akropong Akuapim worked long hours harvesting snails and producing palm oil.

The town of Akropong Akuapim, home to the Adowa dance and the Odwira festival, instilled in Kofi’s parents a love and respect for the history of their nation. Elizabeth and Reynolds came of age in a time of great change during the independence of Ghana. A time that offered a new promise of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and personal happiness for all Ghanaians.

They were ambitious with a drive to excel pursuing the opportunities of education that would allow them to seek out careers and move to Accra. They believed in the promise of an independent Ghana.

He is a dedicated fighter for human rights, fighting complex housing issues that affected Ghanaians living in the US. His commitment to the current Presidential campaign is a culmination of his steadfast beliefs that Ghana is a Nation destined for greatness held hostage by corruption, bribery, and the quest for limitless power at the expense of the people by the current ruling class and their special interest parties the NDC and NPP.

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Kofi's Bio

Kofi was raised in a family that was proud of Ghana by parents who had great hopes for the future prosperity of the country and their children. His parents were both raised in the Eastern Region in the town of Akropong Akuapim, where hard work and tradition was prized by its people. Most of the towns people of Akropong Akuapim worked long hours harvesting snails and producing palm oil.

The town of Akropong Akuapim, home to the Adowa dance and the Odwira festival, instilled in Kofi’s parents a love and respect for the history of their nation. Elizabeth and Reynolds came of age in a time of great change during the independence of Ghana. A time that offered a new promise of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and personal happiness for all Ghanaians.

They were ambitious with a drive to excel pursuing the opportunities of education that would allow them to seek out careers and move to Accra. They believed in the promise of an independent Ghana.

The hard work, history and love of education which were foundational in the formative years of Elizabeth and Reynolds were passed onto their children.

Kofi attended Primary School in Accra at Aggrey Memorial and continuing in Kumasi at Garrison Primary. He then journeyed to Cape Coast to attend college at Adisadel. His parents were proud that their hard work and drive enabled Kofi to travel to London then to the US to study Economics and Business at the prestigious New York University.

While completing his education Kofi worked at United Parcel Service and Chase Manhattan Bank. His drive and determination instilled by his parents led him to pursue his dream of entrepreneurship. He founded Dividends, Inc. in New York City, a private consulting firm with over 105 clients.

Throughout the past 21 years, Kofi Koranteng has used his innate drive and vision to succeed in business as well as being a determined entrepreneur who has empowered individuals to equally succeed. He has been a major force and facilitator within the African Community within the US. He has offered his services as well as his expertise in advocacy to the leaders and organizations throughout the diaspora, while maintain his awareness and activism in correcting the governmental problems back home in Ghana.

His Business Accomplishments Include:

  • Vice President at Primerica
  • Founder and Lead Consultant at Dividends, Inc.
  • Business Development Officer for JP Morgan Chase

While rising through the ranks in corporate financing Kofi also dedicated his time, expertise, business acumen and passion to family and community:

  • First President of Ahenfie Association – A Ghanaian community-based organization fusing Ghanaian culture with American lifestyle
  • Past President of Tracey Towers – an 871-unit apartment complex in New York
  • Served on the Leadership Board of four organizations as a facilitator and consultant including the African Advisory Council of the Borough President of the Bronx and the United African Congress.
  • Past President and CEO of Volta Power FM Radio – a responsible corporate citizen that stimulated the economic growth of its members and community through high quality networking events, professional development opportunities, community service and commerce programs and forums.
  • Chief Executive Officer and major partner of Highlife Management LLC. – a community private equity firm
  • President and CEO of Africa Business Advisory Group (ABAG) – a leading international consulting firm with a focus in African business advisory based in New York.
  • Current CEO of Progressive Alliance Movement (PAM), – a non-political, non-ethnic and non-religious entity advocating for the human rights of Ghanaians Living Abroad (GLA’s) which recently challenge the Electoral Commission in Ghana to institute voting rights as per law.

Along with his dedication to empowering people to succeed through his commitment to coaching, his persuasive speaking style and engaging presentations, Kofi Koranteng is dedicated to fulfilling the promise made to his parents and all Ghanaians that an independent Ghana with a Constitution will provide a government that will work towards opening the doors of opportunity for EACH and EVERY CITIZEN OF GHANA.

He is ready to serve with a commitment to investing in the infrastructure, educational system, medical care and social services of Ghana that will benefit the people not the politicians. Kofi Koranteng understands and is ready to facilitate international partnerships that will open the doors to sustainable agriculture, energy production, and export markets while preserving the traditions, beauty and sanctity of our great Nation. Kofi Koranteng believes we can no longer wait; the Future is Now.

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