" We Craft Our Future With The Thoughts We Nurture Aligned With Our Most Daring Habits"

-Kofi Koranteng-

Kofi's Vision For Ghana

My name is Kofi Koranteng. As a proud Ghanaian born in the sunshine of an independent Nation in 1966 to two dedicated civil servants, I was taught to cherish my Nation. A promise of hope, opportunity, freedom and independence was made to Ghanaians on March 6, 1957, the day our Country became a Nation ruled by self-determination. Over the subsequent years rather than flourish in an enlightened democracy, we as a people along with our Country as a Nation has suffered under a corrupt and enslaving government. There is an illusion that Ghana has a two-party system, however there is little difference between the two, in fact they often work hand in hand to divide the spoils of our Nation’s riches. Throughout my teen years, into my twenties I did not see the progress that Independence promised. What I began to see more and more, was a new boss that was acting like the old boss. The government of Ghana was becoming more efficient at robbing the people and the riches of our Nation. I became disillusioned with the direction of our government, day by day it became more like an organized crime syndicate. It was not providing opportunity for the youth, care for the elderly or a blueprint for growth. It was providing one scheme on top of another to enrich government officials, their family, and friends.   I became a passionate social activist who has continuously challenged the ruling class of the NDC and NPP. Over the years I have been dedicated to speaking out and challenging the corrupt practices of the ruling parties in print, on radio and recorded speeches.  

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My name is Kofi Koranteng. As a proud Ghanaian born in the sunshine of an independent Nation in 1966 to two dedicated civil servants, I was taught to cherish my Nation. A promise of hope, opportunity, freedom and independence was made to Ghanaians on March 6, 1957, the day our Country became a Nation ruled by self-determination.

Over the subsequent years rather than flourish in an enlightened democracy, we as a people along with our Country as a Nation has suffered under a corrupt and enslaving government. There is an illusion that Ghana has a two-party system, however there is little difference between the two, in fact they often work hand in hand to divide the spoils of our Nation’s riches.

Throughout my teen years, into my twenties I did not see the progress that Independence promised. What I began to see more and more, was a new boss that was acting like the old boss. The government of Ghana was becoming more efficient at robbing the people and the riches of our Nation.

I became disillusioned with the direction of our government, day by day it became more like an organized crime syndicate. It was not providing opportunity for the youth, care for the elderly or a blueprint for growth. It was providing one scheme on top of another to enrich government officials, their family, and friends.  

I became a passionate social activist who has continuously challenged the ruling class of the NDC and NPP. Over the years I have been dedicated to speaking out and challenging the corrupt practices of the ruling parties in print, on radio and recorded speeches.  

Speaking out in the media and as a radio host, I have editorialized, organized and garnered support to force changes in government policies. I was the CEO of the organization that brought five plaintiffs in a High Court lawsuit against the Electoral Commission and its Officers for failing to implement a procedural system for voting by Ghanaians living in Diaspora as prescribed in Act 669.

Also known as Representation of the People Amendment Act (ROPAA), Act 669 was signed into law in 2006 after decades of activists working for its passage. ROPAA gives Ghanaians in the Diaspora the right to vote from abroad in national elections. It is seen as a threat by the NDC and NPP to their grip on power. As such, the two parties in conjunction with each other have forestalled its implementation.

The failure of the NDC and NPP to implement Act 669 is a representative microcosm of the pervasive corruption that infiltrates the government functions of the Nation of Ghana. My involvement with the Act 669 lawsuit, which took many years of preparation, gave me more insight into the insidious corruption that is being undertaken by the NDC and NPP to rob the youth of our Nation of their future.

The battle to force the NDC and NPP to implement Act 669 revealed an intricate web of corrupt practices that is being duplicated at every level of government. Each time the NDC or NPP wanted to stall the implementation of Act 669, they would change the Election Commission Officers.  Every time there was a change there were more commissioners added to the Ex-gratia roles of liability.

I began to think about the amount of money that Ex-gratia was costing the youth of our Nation just in this one office and was overwhelmed. The NDC and NPP have created over 100 Ministries, each with a Minister and Deputy Ministers who will receive Ex-Gratia when their term is over as well as salaries that are usually more than 100 times the average salary of a worker in the private sector of Ghana.

My Vision for Ghana begins with ending Ex-Gratia, eliminating all but a handful of essential ministries and adding Constitutional amendments aimed at thwarting corruption and establishing 20, 30, and 50-year National Development Plans.

As I travel around and receive counsel from community leaders, I hear hints of resignation, whispers that the task is too large, the government too corrupt and the Nation beyond repair. To this I say, nonsense!

My Independent Candidacy along with the platform of Agenda 2024 is ready, willing and able to begin rebuilding our Nation, rejuvenating the flame of Independence and nourishing the ideas, hopes and dreams of our youth who look forward to the same sustainable standard of living enjoyed by youth in other nations.

I am under no illusion, the task of restructuring, rebuilding, and retooling our Nation is large. I know that it is no match for the spirit, tenacity, beliefs and ideals of the Youth of Ghana.

As President, OUR Vision of Ghana includes tasking the Justice Department to systematically investigate all government financial transactions to uncover the corruption of the past while creating systems to protect from them in the future.

Our Nation which has been controlled by the NDC and NPP Syndicate of Corruption for decades puts us in a position where everything needs to be a priority. Together with Experts and Professionals in various fields of government and industry, Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians, Ecologists, Professors, Counselors and Community Leaders, my Independent Candidacy for President is ready to begin setting a new course of Ghana that includes:

  • Streamlining all Ministries, Agencies, Commissions, Departments and Entities
  • Eliminating the over 80 un-necessary Ministries and dedicating the savings to Youth Programs
  • A 16 Region Vocational School Curriculum with Apprentice Job Programs for Youths
  • Eliminating Ex-Gratis
  • A National Infrastructure re-building plan to include, roads, transportation, schools and hospitals
  • An overhaul of the Taxation Statues
  • Constitutional Amendments that will mandate the prosecution of government officials engaged in corruption along with claw backs of all ill-gotten gains
  • Investments in new Technologies including Research and Development Hubs, Self-Sustaining Energy, Agricultural Programs, Clean Water Delivery Systems, and Land Reclamation Initiatives
  • The formation of an Economic Development Office to Attract International Investments and Grants
  • A Parliamentary Implementation of a 20-30-50 Year Development and Building Plan with timely achievement measured metrics
  • Systematic Financial and Performance Audits of all Government Programs, Officials, Employees and Expenditures
  • An equal pension plan for the President, MP’s, Ministers, as well as nurses, police officers, sanitation workers and all those in the public sector
  • Expanding Health Care, Social Service Programs, Woman’s Programs, Youth Recreational and Jobs Programs

I am ready to take on the challenge, the task is large, I do not deny it. I know together, we as a people who have overcome more than our share of diversity will rise to the challenge and re-ignite the glowing embers of Independence.  I ask each of you, to rise and proclaim, I AM GHANA. Whether Young or Old, the Future is NOW! Let’s do this

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