The Ministry of Agriculture must be restructured to be a responsive informative, innovative and instructional asset that farmers can rely on to produce the bountiful harvests needed for the domestic and export markets.
Agenda 2024 envisions a Ministry of Agriculture staffed by experts in modern sustainable farming techniques. The revitalized focus of The Ministry of Agriculture cannot be understated in transforming the economy of Ghana. A vibrant agricultural industry will create jobs, increase the national GDP as well as change the statue of Ghana on the Continent and around the world.
It is essential that agriculture, a sustainable resource, become a transformative industry leader for the economy of Ghana. It is imperative that Ghana transform from a net importer of food to a net exporter of agricultural products.
The Ministry of Agriculture will be expected to immediately design and implement plans for short- and long-term programs from seed to export. This will require that the Ministry of Agriculture work in conjunction with other Ministry agencies to facilitate viable transportation infrastructure, co-operative food processing facilities along with access to export markets.
The Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with The Ministry of Employment and Entrepreneurial Development will establish pilot programs to utilize technology within the agricultural industry. These programs should include 16 regional Ministry of Agricultural Centers that will focus on the needs of local farmers. These centers should be technology driven and include seed banks, experts in irrigation, soil conservation, effective harvesting solutions along with energy and cost savings educational programs for local farmers.
It will be expected that the Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with the Ministry of Education design programs and curriculums on the local level to train, educate and certify agricultural agents who will be assigned to the regional Ministry of Agricultural Centers and dispatched to work directly with local farmers.
The Ministry of Agriculture in conjunction with the Ministry of Education should also plan and implement educational courses and seminars for farmers to instruct them in various aspects of modern agricultural techniques. These courses should focus on proper use of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and alternatives, as well as preserving and protecting the environment.
Courses offered in cooperation between The Ministry of Agriculture and The Ministry of Education must include irrigation and water conservation, crop rotation, planting methods, along with harvesting techniques focused on minimizing waste and delivering crops to markets in a timely manner.
The Ministry of Agriculture will form joint commissions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to solicit aid, educational resources and technology with Countries and International Companies that are at the forefront of innovative agricultural solutions.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be a primary partner for The Ministry of Agriculture to form educational, experimental, innovative and working partnerships with agricultural entities throughout the world. Jointly they will also identify agricultural markets that can be served by crops grown and harvested in Ghana.
The significant budget and stated goals of the Ministry of Agriculture will be regularly audited by the Ministries of Finance and Justice to ensure that achievement targets are being accomplished within budget.