“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Election 2024 is our time to speak out and change the direction of our Country. Each of us must gather the courage to challenge a corrupt political system that maintains poverty as the status quo.” – Kofi Koranteng
Agenda 2024 is a platform to awaken the consciousness of the people while challenging the oppression of the ruling class and their corrupt political parties. It is a challenge to every man and women in every walk of life from the northern border to the southern coast to stop, look, reflect and dream about a government that is dedicated to raising the standard of living and opportunities of each and every child, woman and man in Ghana.
It is time to not only dream about a new future for Ghana, it is a time to act. While Agenda 2024 lays out a foundation for change, it cries out for support and participation from every person in Ghana. The power of consciousness in a single person can change the world. The power of the consciousness of every farmer, schoolteacher, doctor, police officer, fishermen, merchant, student and the unemployed are needed to set Ghana on a new course.
Before every election, there is talk of a new direction, yet at the ballot box one of the two parties who are both rats living in the same nest again take control. After each election they are empowered to continue to use the National treasury as their private bank account, oppressing the people with higher taxes, less opportunity, poorer schools, substandard medical services, nonexistent social services as well as no vision for the future of our great Nation.
We need everyone to contribute their ideas to Agenda 2024 as we revolutionize the future of Ghana by electing the first independent President of Ghana, Kofi Koranteng, who is dedicated to fulfilling the promises made to the previous generations of a country that offers hope, prosperity, freedom, encouragement as well as the vision, support and tools to every Ghanaian to accomplish their dreams.