“I love my country, not my government.” – Jesse Ventura
“Real Nationalism is a respect for the people, not blind obedience to political parties.” – Kofi Koranteng
Real Nationalism is not blind acceptance of the ruling government. The foundations of Real Nationalism are rooted in a government that works to improve the common good of every citizen while protecting, preserving and enhancing the beauty, wealth and bounty of a Nation.
Agenda 2024 and the Presidential candidacy of Kofi Koranteng is centered on a Nationalism that has at its core the common good of the People of Ghana. Growing up in a household with three sisters guided by parents who valued the tradition as well as the importance of education, Kofi was taught that Ghana offered a rich history as well as a bright future. Love, respect, compassion, hope, dreams, ideas along with the values of hard work and spirituality were the principals that surrounded him. He never forgot them.
A Nation is a family that is bound together by the same core values, yet today Ghana is ruled by two corrupt parties that disregard the principals that the people hold dear. Agenda 2024 seeks to resurrect the ideals of Ghanaian families and return to a true, Real Nationalism based on enhancing, honoring, and encouraging the principals that bind us together as a family of Ghanaian citizens.
At the heart of the Real Nationalism agenda of the independent candidacy of Kofi Koranteng in Election 2024 is the core values of the hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals of every person in Ghana. When a government works to better the life of the least among us, it betters every life in the Nation. Agenda 2024 seeks to apply basic human dignity along with the principals of honor, love, respect, compassion, and spirituality back to the government. A government that will be dedicated to the People who are the real Nation of Ghana.